The Gunslinger, by Stephen King

My friend invited me to go watch the new major movie based on Stephen King's Dark Tower series. Before I watch a movie, if it is based on a book, I always need to read the book first, so I began the series starting on book one, The Gunslinger. I am not very far into it yet, only about 40 pages, and I am already enjoying it.

Although I only just started reading I have already been introduced to a character who I enjoy very thoroughly, named Brown. As the gunslinger travels a desert following the man in black he finds a person harvesting his corn. In the area that the gunslinger is, this is a very rare occasion. They begin to talk and the man, who introduces himself as Brown, is very hospitable and makes him dinner and lets him stay there over the night.

As they begin to talk the man in black comes up and the fact that he is a sorcerer. The gunslinger has a feeling in the back of his head that he should not trust Brown because he could be either a spell cast by the man in black, he could be the man in black, or he could just be what he says he is. The gunslinger has no way to know which is true.

I like Brown a lot because he acts like a very nice, real person, but the gunslinger, along with the reader has no idea if he is who he says he is. As I read further into the book I expect to see more of him.

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