

For September and October, this is a basic checklist containing the expectations for each blog entry and comment on someone else's blog entry. 

As novice bloggers, you will receive a copy of this checklist with our comments for improvement. We will deliver our grades and comments to you on paper. As the year continues we will explore ways to deliver the same information paperless. 

Use the comments we make to help you improve your next entry. 

  • Follows teacher directions for entry (if applicable)
  • Gives a SHORT summary of current reading
  • Provides reader with interesting details-- draws the reader in
  • Poses actual (or rhetorical) questions, and then answers them when applicable

  • Engages blog reader through voice and tone of writing
  • Has a lead that draws in the reader
  • Has a conclusion that either makes the blog reader want to know more about the book or appropriately sums up the entry to conclude

  • Free of major grammatical issues, especially those issues taught and reviewed in class
  • Free of "text" language and structure
  • Worthy of 9th grade language and structure

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