Citing Images, Videos & Articles

When you don't cite, you are plagiarizing. Yes, plagiarism ISN'T just for papers anymore. 

I want to add this image to my entry. I choose to upload it via URL or from my laptop files. But I know I need to cite the source of this image, even though I did a Google image search for reuse. 

Click on the image. A menu will appear directly below the image. 
Adding a caption is what you want. 

For this particular image, there's no photographer or title listed, just a URL. I cut and paste the URL in the caption. THEN, highlight the URL you just placed as a caption and click the "link" button. Now someone can link this image back to the original source. And you're plagiarism free!!!

But wait-- what if the image I want HAS a photographer and title listed?

What about a YouTube video?

You MAY copy the cover of the book on which you are blogging without direct citation of the image of the book cover. You can always find that image from Amazon or by doing a simple image search for the title of the book. 

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