Posting Media & Pictures

Posting Media & Pictures

Pictures may be inserted into a blog. Make sure that the image is appropriate for use in a school document and copyright laws are followed. Do not post any images that can identify yourself or others.

If using Google:

Then Search Tools, to open a submenu:

Click on Usage Rights, to open another submenu. Then choose labeled for reuse

Any of the images presented will NOT be copyrighted. It's  important NOT to steal someone else's photo. You MUST give credit where due, as you could be sued. No joke. 

To add the photo:
  • Save the pic (I usually save it to my desktop for easier retrieval). 
  • Click the photo icon (between link and movie clapboard)
  • It will give you options: most often you will UPLOAD the photo. 
  • Once you click on the photo it will give you some options in a blue bar. To be safe, click on caption, and then cut and paste the URL from which you took the picture. That url is visible on the original search page with the pic and can be found by hovering over the pic.

You can also add a picture directly to your post via its URL. 
  • Locate your image using an "image search" and filtering for "label for reuse" (which is located under "search tools")

  • Click on the image you like. You'll see this:

  • Copy the URL

  • Click on the image icon (the pic of a mountain-- "link" is on the left of it and the movie clapboard is on the right). 

  • Choose "from a URL" on the far right. Paste in your URL. It's like magic!
CLICK HERE to read these directions in an article format. when you click, you'll be taken directly to the site and the article. 

Wait-- what's copyright and why do I care?

copyright © . all rights reserved. designed by Color and Code

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