Gathering Blue, By Lois Lowry

Image result for gathering blueI decided to read this book after it was recommended to my mom by my aunt. This is a companion book to the Giver, it is by the same author and has a similar theme, which is another reason I decided to read it. After I read it I came to the conclusion that I had enjoyed it even more than the Giver. I read the book a few months ago, but the spectacular story line is still fresh in my mind. 

The village in the story sees people with disabilities as weak and they are discarded making life for the physically flawed difficult. The main character is Kira who, although is disabled, is a young and masterful seamstress and is kept alive for her skill. Even though I enjoy this character very much my favorite character is Matt. He is a young and energetic boy who grew up at the very bottom of the social class and tends to talk in a slang that is very childish and not put together. His unique way of speaking is what draws you into liking this character. Matt has a dog named Branch and through his connection with his dog you are able to see that he is a very compassionate character even though at first glance it is not what you would think.

One of the most memorable scenes from the book is when Matt come back from his journey of finding "blue", which is the color of thread that could not be created in the village, he brought back with him not only the thread, but the father of Kira. Kira believed her father to be dead, killed by the beasts in the forest. This was not the case for he was standing right before her.

In the novel you read about artists who thrive in a society that looks down upon the arts and throughout the book the characters learn more and more abut the corrupt society that they live in. I really adored this book and would recommend it to anyone who read and liked The Giver

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