Point Blanc

n ELA class, we were provided the opportunity to look at books to read. I was not much interested in the books until I stumbled upon Point Blanc. I was more than interested to learn about a life of a spy.
    If you have not heard much about the book, a 14-year-old secret agent named Alex Rider who works for London's M-16 is sent on a very dangerous undercover mission. He is sent to the Point Blanc Academy in the French Alps where he will be gathering information. Upon arrival, he is met by Dr. Greif who seemed to be pretty evil, and he was defended by Mrs. Stellenbosch.  Later on, he meets a student named James Sprintz, who suspects something is wrong with the academy due to a personality change in rebellious students, who suddenly become loyal to the school. Alex made a big mistake when telling him that he was an M16 spy. One day, the same personality change happens to James, who now is no longer a rebellious student. Instead of planning to escape the school, now James thought that it was a good idea for him to stay, The following night, Alex investigates the forbidden third floor of the school and shockingly finds replicas of the students' rooms, including his own. He even found that the real boys are locked in the basement. By using a DVD player M-16 gave him he called for help.A few days later after telling James that he worked at M-16, Alex was called to the principal's office. By using hidden microphones and cameras, the principle realized that alex was spying on them. Mrs. Stellenbosch knocked Alex out and now the principal wanted to kill Alex Because he could not afford his plan to dominate the globe to be leaked.  Alex was then captured and set to be used as for vivisection in a biology class tomorrow! However, using a bomb given to him by MI6 before being sent undercover to Point Blanc, Alex escapes and uses an ironing board to snowboard down the Alps to escape. He is injured but barely escaped Point Blank missing bullets shot all around him. When at the hospital MI-6 makes Alex falsely dead. When Mrs.Stellenbosch came she thought Alex was dead and all the problems were over. However, Alex was well alive and telling M-16 all the horrors he faced. After hearing this M-16 plans to liberate the boys trapped in Point Blanc, and stop Mr. Grief’s plan on global domination. During the raid, M-16 was successful in killing Dr. Grief and Mrs.Stellenbosch. When in Britain, Alex visits his academic school.  In the final chapter of Point Blanc, Alex returns back to Britain where he finds a clone in his school that is identical to Alex. The clone and Alex fight, setting a fire in a science building while bringing their fight to the roof. However, the roof above the science building collapses, sending one of the Alexes to his death. The author leaves us on a cliff not mentioning if the cloned Alex survived or the normal Alex survived.
    This book was a great read. This would be the ideal book for anyone who is interested in mysteries and action novels. I however personally did not like that the author never specified if the main character died. I would rate this book 8/10 stars!

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