Eliza and Her Monsters, By Francesca Zappia

Eliza and Her Monsters, by Francesca Zappia
Earlier this month I was introduced to the book, Eliza and her monsters. As I read through the book, I got very addicted to it. It’s an amazing book, and when I’m done I can’t wait to introduce it to someone else.

My favorite character is the main character, Eliza Mirk. I find her the most interesting. Eliza Mirk in real life is an ordinary highschool girl. However, when she’s online, she is LadyConstellation, the creator of the famous web comic Monstrous Sea. She wants to keep her identity hidden, not wanting to attract attention. One day, a new student transfers to her school, Wallace Warland. She finds out that he is Rainmaker online, the famous Monstrous Sea fanfiction writer.

She intrigues me because she has two personalities. She is quiet and prefers to be alone at school, but is a sociable sensation on the internet. She also is modest. She knows that if she were to let her identity out, that would attract a lot of attention. She doesn't want a lot of fans and newspaper companies trying to talk to her.

My favorite scene is when she finds out that Wallace is Rainmaker and a super huge fan, though he thinks that Eliza is just another fan. She never has met a fan before and finds the experience crazy (in a good way).

Francesca Zappia creates a character that hates being sociable in real life, but loves the internet. She learns how to meet new people as the is no backspace for talking. I really love the book and can't wait to finish it.

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