Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone

                                 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

          At the time I discovered this book, and series, it was extremely popular. So I thought I should give this book a try, to see what the series would be like and whether or not I would really enjoy it. Not even 100 pages into the story, I could immediately tell why this was such a popular book. Whenever I had a chance to read it, my eyes were glued to every single word of every single page. I am almost finished with the book, and am very excited to see what happens next.
           The main character, Harry, is a young boy whose parents have died and is forced to live with his dreadful Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and cousin Dudley. Harry, upon entering another year of public schools, receives an invitation from a magic school called Hogwarts about a month before term starts. He quickly accept, happy to leave his guardians behind. During his first year at Hogwarts, Harry meets new friends, gets into mischief, and discovers a hidden talent (Quidditch). Harry and two of his friends discover that the Sorcerer’s Stone is being hidden at their school and learn about how it is so valuable. When Harry finds out that someone is attempting to steal the stone, Harry and his friends try to do the most they can to protect the stone. Harry finally faces who is trying to steal the stone, and to his surprise, it is Voldemort! Harry ends up defeating Voldemort, displaying an overall theme of good triumphing over evil.
          The character I admire most in this book is Ron Weasley. Ron is a very nice boy who is kind to everyone who deserves it, and stands up to anyone who thinks badly of him. Ron always stuck by Harry’s side, through good and bad. Ron portrayed acts of extreme bravery towards the end of the book, where he sacrifices himself so that Harry can move forward and try to stop Voldemort (He does not die).   Overall, Ron is a very admirable character in my opinion.
           J.K. Rowling creates a great story with very admirable characters that makes a reader feel refreshed when they read this book. 

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