Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline

     I have seen people rave about this book online. Initially, my uncle listened to the audio book version of this and requested it to me as a book I would most definitely enjoy. Boy was he right because I read through this book with in three days. There is no way I could go without referring this book to a friend.

     The main character, Wade Watts A.K.A Parzival, is just a kid who lives in the year 2044. Now Columbus, Ohio is still a thing, but the world went through an energy crisis and people lived in trailers put on top of one another called the stacks. The only thing giving people the will to live is a virtual world called the Oasis. The Oasis is a virtual world that you can barely differentiate from reality, and because of it the whole world uses it to escape from reality. Wade is a school boy obsessed with an "easter egg" left behind by none other than the creator of the Oasis, James Halliday. This so called "Easter egg" is an immense amount of money and control over the Oasis. Wade is especially a genius in this category because the quest has to do with Halliday's obsession with classic video games and movies such as "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". His life will vastly change forever when he finds the first clue, and his name appears on a blank leader board seen by all.

     I like Wade so much because a he is a very multi-dimensional character that has so many levels to him. His life is so small in comparison to the world until one thing changes that. He is so intelligent which is why he is able to accomplish what he does by the end of the book. He finds the true value in living in real life instead of in a made up world.

     The most frustrating part of the book to read was when the Sixers went to Daito and threw him out of his window. He was just a kid who had high aspirations in life and his life was literally thrown away from him. Shoto who was very close to Daito was very upset and had to deal with the loss of someone who he considered family. Wade could only sit back and do nothing with this situation which must have made him feel so helpless.

     Ernest Cline created what I believe to be a character that not only kids can relate to, but adults can relate to as well. Cline did an excellent job on creating a character that is so amazing and complete such as Wade, and this book in general. 

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