Point Blanc

n ELA class, we were provided the opportunity to look at books to read. I was not much interested in the books until I stumbled upon Point Blanc. I was more than interested to learn about a life of a spy.
    If you have not heard much about the book, a 14-year-old secret agent named Alex Rider who works for London's M-16 is sent on a very dangerous undercover mission. He is sent to the Point Blanc Academy in the French Alps where he will be gathering information. Upon arrival, he is met by Dr. Greif who seemed to be pretty evil, and he was defended by Mrs. Stellenbosch.  Later on, he meets a student named James Sprintz, who suspects something is wrong with the academy due to a personality change in rebellious students, who suddenly become loyal to the school. Alex made a big mistake when telling him that he was an M16 spy. One day, the same personality change happens to James, who now is no longer a rebellious student. Instead of planning to escape the school, now James thought that it was a good idea for him to stay, The following night, Alex investigates the forbidden third floor of the school and shockingly finds replicas of the students' rooms, including his own. He even found that the real boys are locked in the basement. By using a DVD player M-16 gave him he called for help.A few days later after telling James that he worked at M-16, Alex was called to the principal's office. By using hidden microphones and cameras, the principle realized that alex was spying on them. Mrs. Stellenbosch knocked Alex out and now the principal wanted to kill Alex Because he could not afford his plan to dominate the globe to be leaked.  Alex was then captured and set to be used as for vivisection in a biology class tomorrow! However, using a bomb given to him by MI6 before being sent undercover to Point Blanc, Alex escapes and uses an ironing board to snowboard down the Alps to escape. He is injured but barely escaped Point Blank missing bullets shot all around him. When at the hospital MI-6 makes Alex falsely dead. When Mrs.Stellenbosch came she thought Alex was dead and all the problems were over. However, Alex was well alive and telling M-16 all the horrors he faced. After hearing this M-16 plans to liberate the boys trapped in Point Blanc, and stop Mr. Grief’s plan on global domination. During the raid, M-16 was successful in killing Dr. Grief and Mrs.Stellenbosch. When in Britain, Alex visits his academic school.  In the final chapter of Point Blanc, Alex returns back to Britain where he finds a clone in his school that is identical to Alex. The clone and Alex fight, setting a fire in a science building while bringing their fight to the roof. However, the roof above the science building collapses, sending one of the Alexes to his death. The author leaves us on a cliff not mentioning if the cloned Alex survived or the normal Alex survived.
    This book was a great read. This would be the ideal book for anyone who is interested in mysteries and action novels. I however personally did not like that the author never specified if the main character died. I would rate this book 8/10 stars!


Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone

                                 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

          At the time I discovered this book, and series, it was extremely popular. So I thought I should give this book a try, to see what the series would be like and whether or not I would really enjoy it. Not even 100 pages into the story, I could immediately tell why this was such a popular book. Whenever I had a chance to read it, my eyes were glued to every single word of every single page. I am almost finished with the book, and am very excited to see what happens next.
           The main character, Harry, is a young boy whose parents have died and is forced to live with his dreadful Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and cousin Dudley. Harry, upon entering another year of public schools, receives an invitation from a magic school called Hogwarts about a month before term starts. He quickly accept, happy to leave his guardians behind. During his first year at Hogwarts, Harry meets new friends, gets into mischief, and discovers a hidden talent (Quidditch). Harry and two of his friends discover that the Sorcerer’s Stone is being hidden at their school and learn about how it is so valuable. When Harry finds out that someone is attempting to steal the stone, Harry and his friends try to do the most they can to protect the stone. Harry finally faces who is trying to steal the stone, and to his surprise, it is Voldemort! Harry ends up defeating Voldemort, displaying an overall theme of good triumphing over evil.
          The character I admire most in this book is Ron Weasley. Ron is a very nice boy who is kind to everyone who deserves it, and stands up to anyone who thinks badly of him. Ron always stuck by Harry’s side, through good and bad. Ron portrayed acts of extreme bravery towards the end of the book, where he sacrifices himself so that Harry can move forward and try to stop Voldemort (He does not die).   Overall, Ron is a very admirable character in my opinion.
           J.K. Rowling creates a great story with very admirable characters that makes a reader feel refreshed when they read this book. 

Gone, by Michael Grant

           Gone, by Micheal Grant

           This can be a good book if you're a person that's into books about "the world ending".
Sam Temple, one of the main characters, gets thrown into a journey that takes place right in his town after finding out that anyone over the age of fifteen disappears without a trace. As the town gets taken over by bullies and manipulators, Sam, his friends, and the people that see him as a REAL leader prepare for a war to stop their madness.

           Quinn, one of Sam's only friends before an impenetrable barrier appeared to deny escape, is confused about what he wants to be. In the beginning, he and Sam and their newest friend, Astrid, had left school at the sight of disappearances. After they came to the conclusion that all of the adults were gone, they set out to find Astrid's autistic brother, Little Petey; however, Quinn wanted to see if his family was still around first. He started to lose his mind after he found that they weren't. As they searched for Little Petey, Quinn made strangely dark remarks, unlike his usual amusing ones. He stays with the group until Sam and Astrid decided to go shopping, not knowing that they were being hunted by his secret brother, Caine. Quinn blew them in by saying they were at the grocery store. Quinn was then considered to be on the bullies' side for a short time, until he frees Sam after finding out what they were doing to him. Sam could trust Quinn again, and partially considered him still a traitor until Quinn helped carry out his plan to overthrow Caine.

          Quinn is a perfect example of a semi-regular person in a chaotic time.


Eliza and Her Monsters, By Francesca Zappia

Eliza and Her Monsters, by Francesca Zappia
Earlier this month I was introduced to the book, Eliza and her monsters. As I read through the book, I got very addicted to it. It’s an amazing book, and when I’m done I can’t wait to introduce it to someone else.

My favorite character is the main character, Eliza Mirk. I find her the most interesting. Eliza Mirk in real life is an ordinary highschool girl. However, when she’s online, she is LadyConstellation, the creator of the famous web comic Monstrous Sea. She wants to keep her identity hidden, not wanting to attract attention. One day, a new student transfers to her school, Wallace Warland. She finds out that he is Rainmaker online, the famous Monstrous Sea fanfiction writer.

She intrigues me because she has two personalities. She is quiet and prefers to be alone at school, but is a sociable sensation on the internet. She also is modest. She knows that if she were to let her identity out, that would attract a lot of attention. She doesn't want a lot of fans and newspaper companies trying to talk to her.

My favorite scene is when she finds out that Wallace is Rainmaker and a super huge fan, though he thinks that Eliza is just another fan. She never has met a fan before and finds the experience crazy (in a good way).

Francesca Zappia creates a character that hates being sociable in real life, but loves the internet. She learns how to meet new people as the is no backspace for talking. I really love the book and can't wait to finish it.

Firework                      Shunzi Iwai and Hitoshi Ohne      

My favorite character is Nazuna because she is the main character. The character I don't like is Yusuke because he is a lair and he cheat. The character I'm intersted is Norimichi. He has the ability to go back in the time so is the girl, so he is the key person in the story. What he does effects the story as he always shows up in the important scences. Norimichi is in the middle school. He lives in the house on the hill with his family. He is a bright person.he is a classmate of Nazuna. He doesn't have brother and sister. His mother is strict but his father is nice. Nazuna parents are divorced ,her mother married to a new husband, she didn't like it but she never told that to her mother about it. She has a hard time expressing the telling.

Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline

     I have seen people rave about this book online. Initially, my uncle listened to the audio book version of this and requested it to me as a book I would most definitely enjoy. Boy was he right because I read through this book with in three days. There is no way I could go without referring this book to a friend.

     The main character, Wade Watts A.K.A Parzival, is just a kid who lives in the year 2044. Now Columbus, Ohio is still a thing, but the world went through an energy crisis and people lived in trailers put on top of one another called the stacks. The only thing giving people the will to live is a virtual world called the Oasis. The Oasis is a virtual world that you can barely differentiate from reality, and because of it the whole world uses it to escape from reality. Wade is a school boy obsessed with an "easter egg" left behind by none other than the creator of the Oasis, James Halliday. This so called "Easter egg" is an immense amount of money and control over the Oasis. Wade is especially a genius in this category because the quest has to do with Halliday's obsession with classic video games and movies such as "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". His life will vastly change forever when he finds the first clue, and his name appears on a blank leader board seen by all.

     I like Wade so much because a he is a very multi-dimensional character that has so many levels to him. His life is so small in comparison to the world until one thing changes that. He is so intelligent which is why he is able to accomplish what he does by the end of the book. He finds the true value in living in real life instead of in a made up world.

     The most frustrating part of the book to read was when the Sixers went to Daito and threw him out of his window. He was just a kid who had high aspirations in life and his life was literally thrown away from him. Shoto who was very close to Daito was very upset and had to deal with the loss of someone who he considered family. Wade could only sit back and do nothing with this situation which must have made him feel so helpless.

     Ernest Cline created what I believe to be a character that not only kids can relate to, but adults can relate to as well. Cline did an excellent job on creating a character that is so amazing and complete such as Wade, and this book in general. 

Fuzzy, by Tom Angleberger
「fuzzy by tom angleberger 登場人物」の画像検索結果

The character I like the most is a robot named Fuzzy who goes to school with students, but a character who intrigues me is Max. She is a student in Vanguard Middle School. She talks with her friend Krysti and Biggs  she loves robots.
 I like Max because she keep saying no though scientists of Robot Intergration Program ask her to show the scientists the robot. I was touched the fact that she can say no even though she was told to show the robot.
All But my Life, by Gerda Wiessman Klein



I had  only  heard  great  thing  about  this  autobiography,  so  I  finally  wrapped  my  self around  it.  Everything  I heard was  true.  While  I  was  reading  this  book,  I  cried  tears  of  sadness,  tears  of  joys,  I  gasped  in  shock, and  laughed  in relief.  I  hope everybody  reads  this  book.

The  main  character,  Garda,  is  my  favorite  character.  She  also  intrigues  me  the  most.  While  she  was growing  up  as   a  young  a  Jewish  girl,  something  terrible  happened.  World  War  II  broke  out.  Gerda’s brother  left  to  go  fight  in  the army  and  soon  enough  her  father  was  separated  from  Gerda  and  her  mother. On  the  way  to  the concentration camp  Gera  was  separated  from  her  mother.  From  here  on  out,  Gerda was  alone.

Gerda  is  my  favorite  character  because  even  though  this  was  the  hardest  time  in  her  life  she  pushed through  it  and   lived.  She  makes  it  through  the  easier  parts  of  the  Holocaust  and  pushes  herself  until  she reaches  the  end  of  the harder  parts.

The  scene  that  I  found  most  difficult  to  read  was  the  Death  March  at  the  end  of  the  Holocaust.  Reading about  all the  people  that  lost  their  lives  when  they  were  so  close  to  surviving  was  gut  wrenching.  All  I could  think  was“That was  somebody’s  child”.

All  But  my  Life  was  an  emotionally  hard  book  to  read.  However,  while  reading  this  book  I  learned  a  lot  and I realized  how  much  I  have  to  be  great  full  for. 



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